By making a planned gift to the University of Redlands, you join a group of dedicated supporters who treasure our University, ensuring a liberal arts education for future generations. We recognize this thoughtful and generous group as the George P. Cortner Heritage Society, and we are extremely grateful for its members’ generosity.
The George P. Cortner Heritage Society is named for a man who selflessly served the University of Redlands as business manager for many years. His legacy includes the magnificent oaks lining the Quad, which have provided shade for thousands of students over the years.
If you have included Redlands in your will, trust, or other part of your estate plan, or if you have questions about how to do so, please contact or 909-748-8840 so we can properly welcome you into the George P. Cortner Heritage Society.
“We included the University of Redlands as part of our legacy because it continues to provide my family and me with educational and leadership opportunities, experiences that are second to none, and involvement based on relationships, lifelong friendships, and a closeness that other institutions cannot provide. With children, it was prudent to complete our estate plan with a legal professional, but we felt it important to add a charitable component based on how we were both raised and our belief in giving back, so that Redlands can truly be forever ours.”
Gregg Cummings ’99 and Elizabeth Cummings
“I attended the Whitehead Center for Experiential Learning [now called the School of Business], which helped to make undergraduate degrees accessible to working professionals wanting to advance in their careers. I enjoyed a successful executive career with the State Board of Medical Quality Assurance (now known as the Board of Medical Examiners) and as a legislative advocate representative to the state legislature. My late husband, Forest, and I recognized Redlands as an institution with a high standard for education for all individuals, not just those with means or grades, and we wanted to ensure that type of education for years to come.”
Dolores Grunigen ’86 (Whitehead/School of Business) shown here with late husband Forest Grunigen
“My six years at the University of Redlands was an important experience that I will always value. The small college environment afforded opportunities that have directed many career and personal directions, preparing me for leadership roles in the Peace Corps, Coca-Cola Company, and two Methodist churches. My roots were formed at the U of R, and giving back is a part of our personal commitment to others. The Cortner Society seemed like a logical next step, and we are thankful for the opportunity to make a small difference through our endowed scholarship.”
Chuck Shackelton ’63, ’65 with Mei Ling Shackelton
Ruth H. Adams ’49†
Ellen Morris Alaka ’50
Charles L. Andersen ’54†
Joyce Franklin Anderson ’63
Stephen B. ’67 and Teri B. Andrews
Harry R. Ankeny ’41†
James R. and Carol K. Appleton
Catherine Clark Armstrong ’31†
Daniel ’62 and
Judith Sundahl ’63 Armstrong
Lucille J. Astracan ’44†
Leon A. Atwood†
Richard K. Avery ’56
M. Helen ’92 and John O.† Baatz
Harrison M. Bains ’64
JoAnn Gardiner Baker ’65
Mary Ann Baker ’61
David D. ’63, ’65 and
Stephanie B. ’63 Banta
Bruce ’59 and Darilyn Dorriss ’59 Bare
Winston G. Barkemeyer ’44†
John A. Barker ’88
Ruth G. Bates ’42†
David G. Bauer ’89
Kathy Behrens ’05 and Roger Hardy
John Peter ’32† and Martha† Beiden
Morton A. and Joyce D. Bender
Janet E. Benson ’73
Janet Wildenradt Berckefeldt ’67
Leslie A. Best ’88 and Richard P. Graw ’89
Carole Beswick
Gary H. ’66 and Nancy E. Beverage
Henry J.† and Margaret N.† Beyerl
Raymond R. ’49† and
Julianna Davenport ’50† Binkley
Robert L. ’63† and Rita J. Bishop
G. Richard Blair ’42†
Ted M. Blair†
Robert G. Blank ’68
Judy Provost Bonilla ’68
A. Leland Boucher ’45†
Dennis P. Bourgault ’84
David B. Bragg
John W. Branchflower ’68
Eugene S. ’40† and Jeanne E. Broadwater
Frederick S.† and
Corrine Aldridge ’49† Bromberger
Sam W. Brown Jr. ’65 and Alison V. Teal
Paul W.† and Elaine S. Brubacher
Carolyn ’66 and Franz Buhlmann
Hendrix R. ’45 and Clyde Heflin ’44† Bull
Mark W. ’74 and Christi Johnson ’74 Bulot
Nelson W. ’47 and
Mary-Carol Walberg ’46 Burdett
Larry E. ’67 and
Charlotte Gaylord ’69 Burgess
Arlyss M. Burkett ’61
Dorothy Button†
Richard and Sherri Harrell ’72 Camps
K. Douglas ’54 and Marlene C.† Carlson
Loraine Hand Carlson ’44†
Jill Carlton-Payne ’96
Dan L. ’39† and Beverley M. Carmichael
Steven D. ’67 and Jane R. Carmichael
Gary J. Casella ’60
Wesley† and Celeste Babcock ’46† Cater
Patricia M. Caudle ’86
Wallace L. ’20† and
Beulah D. ’20† Chadwick
Patsy M. ’49 and Lowell† Chamberlain
Talva Chapin ’49†
Leroy E.† and
Doris Purvine ’51 Christensen
Bruce E. ’38† and Jo Ann Clark
Douglas A. Clark ’78
Lillian B. Clark ’31†
Susan Whitlo Clasen ’63
Betty R. Clement ’48
Patricia Chaney Clifton ’80
Arden ’55† and Annelle A. Clute
Nancy J. Coburn ’55†
Nancy R. Connell ’40†
Bryan L. ’67 and Aileen K. Cooke
Paul Corneil
Kenton W. ’48† and
Jane Towar ’49† Corwin
Charles J. Coulter†
Robert A. ’41† and
Mary Anderson ’42† Covington
Donald L. ’47† and
Wanda Jackson ’47† Cox
Richard E. Cox ’59
Paul J.† and Caroline Crapo†
Fred W.† and Ruth P.† Cropp
Andrew N. Crow ’55†
Lois Crozier-Hogle ’36†
Ruth J. Cully ’87
Joseph G. and Lorraine Wiens ’59 Culton
Elizabeth and Gregg M. ’99 Cummings
Jack B. ’50† and
Sally Rider ’56 Cummings
David P. Curnow ’64†
Kenneth D. ’68 and Sylvia M. Curry
Anne Monroe Dahl ’59
Nick Daily ’11
Richard D. Daily ’11 (JC)
Alan H. ’50† and Marilyn Dale
Charles T. Dalton
Allen† and Joyce Dangermond
Glenn S.† and Audrey L.† Daun ’40
Byron D.† and Helen M.† Davis
Joel R. Davis ’76
Nancy H. Davis ’48†
Lillian Charlotte Deftereos ’48†
John L. ’63 and Janice D. Demmon
Margaret Kulstad Dennis ’33†
Christopher M. ’68 and
Christine M. Dewees
Fred J. DiBernardo ’66
Denny D. ’53 and Jeanene S. Dickenson
Henry G. Dittmar†
Ronald ’59 and Janice B. ’59 Dong
Phillip L. Doolittle ’76
Carl M. ’44† and Maxine Mapes† Doss
Richard L. Dougherty ’56
Fred ’36† and
Jane Cunningham ’36† Drexler
Doris L. Dunn ’79
David W. Ehman ’80†
John C. Emerson ’69, ’71
Robert D.† and Patricia R. Engel
David Enzminger ’85 and
Karen Huestis ’83
Robert W. ’60 and
Jean Wagley ’61 Erikson
Elmer W.† and Josephine† Farnsworth
R. Cecil† and
Barbara Hemphill ’35† Farnsworth
Helen Hedstrom ’21† and
Vernon ’21† Farquhar
John C. ’41† and
Beverly Neville ’42† Fawcett
Norman W.† and
Ruth Stoever ’31† Fleming
William R. ’47† and
Marilyn Gartner ’49† Flora
Harold P. ’42† and Barbara D. ’43† Ford
Marjorie Earley Fovinci ’41†
James B. ’29† and Martha Logan ’31† Fox
James B. Fox III
Thomas L. Fox ’63†
Russell P. Fritchey† and
Peggy Hoyt Whitmore ’48†
Walter H. ’35† and Janet Taylor ’35† Gage
Gary V. Gaiser ’59
Gabriel and Laura Smolka ’03 Gallardo
A. Boardman† and Bernice T.† Ganfield
Bill and Becky Campbell Garnett ’69
Jacque Reamer Gates ’62, ’96
Leon S. ’49† and JoAnne S. ’83† George
Mildred White Gerhardt ’30†
Paul† and Dorothy† Gerrard
Mary Wright Gillespie ’52
Thomas W. ’62, ’67 and
Judith Smith ’62 Gilmer
Kimberly A. Gordon Biddle ’87
Robert C. Grange ’43†
Juanita R. Gray ’53†
Matthew D. Gray†
Matthew L. Gray ’05 (JC) and
Lindsay G. McNicholas ’05 (JC)
Kathryn A. Green ’76 (JC)†
Kenneth† and Florence Mayer ’37† Green
Gaylon R. Greger ’96
Francis C. Gregory ’48†
Herbert W. ’48† and
Kathryn E. Greydanus
Nancy Page Griffin ’53
Doug Grossman ’60
Carol Provost Gruber ’65
Forest† and Dolores S. ’86 Grunigen
Porscha Soto ’11 (JC) and Jonathan Guillot
Edwin B. Hales ’63†
Paul F. ’43† and Arline† Hales
Kenneth F. ’60 and Lynn P. Hall
Ann Halligan ’76
R. Lucille Hammett ’48†
Gerald B. Hansen ’45†
Edmond G. Harris ’54†
Nora Vitz Harrison ’77
Verne S. Harrison ’31†
Lawrence R. Harvill and Evelyn P. Ifft
Janet Palmer Hatch ’50
William D. Haun Jr. ’59
Debbie J. Heap ’73 (JC), ’86
David James Heiss ’95
William H. ’63 and Sally Held
William P.† and Roma† Held
Elizabeth B. Herman
Cynthia Rabe Hicks ’70
Florabelle Blank Hildebrand†
Glenn R. ’45 and Shirley Christian ’47† Hill
Harold M. ’40† and Marjorie A.† Hill
Howard A. Hill ’37†
Bruce C. ’69 and Deborah B. ’69 Hinckley
Normajean B. Hinders ’65
Lee Hodson ’39†
James T. and Ruth Pierpoint ’49† Hogg
Harry S.† and Bettie A.† Holley
J. Clifford ’41† and Patricia N. ’43† Holmes
Gerald S. Honey ’33†
Gregory W. ’89 and
Lori Elmore ’88 Horter
Barbara A. Howard ’60†
Johanne M. Howland
Frank C. Hungerford ’64
Richard C. ’52 and
Virginia Moses ’52 Hunsaker
Kenneth A. ’69 and Mary Nelson ’70 Hunt
Hugh C. Hyde ’50†
Dorothy E. Ingrahm ’36, ’58†
Vernon P. Jaeger ’28†
Faith P. Goodland
Les Janka ’62
Howard W.† and Jean† Jenkins
Charles E.† and Janet Putnam ’65 Johnson
R. Bruce ’61 and E. Cheryl Johnson
Allison G. Jones ’70, ’73
Nellie H. Jones†
J. Frank† and Lillian Oliver ’35† Jorgensen
Brad A. ’77 and Margaret Katzman
Helen Putnam Keeley ’32†
Robert A. ’53† and Janet Fay Kerr
Daniel Kiefer
Donald C. ’47† and
Elizabeth MacLean ’46† Kiel
Malcolm S. Kincaid ’52
Sam T. and Margaret R. Knappenberger
Elaine K. Kratofil ’01
Harry H. and Lillie L. Kulde
Ralph W. and Nancy L. Kuncl
Terry W. ’57 and
Sharon Munson ’57† Kupfer
Caroline Blair Kurhajec ’40†
Gregory H. ’97 and
Jennifer Stichter ’97 Lackey
Ronald J.† and Beverly J. ’59 LaFourcade
Robert L. ’53 and Alice C. ’53 Lage
James H. Laird ’40†
Jackson O. Law Jr. ’54
Michael V. ’69 and Sandra K. Leahy
Mary Elizabeth Lehigh ’31†
Henry Leichtfried ’61
Robert F. ’46 and Arlene† Leonard
Julianne Fliegner Levings ’75
Paul A. Lewis†
Greg Lieberknecht ’74 (JC)
Todd L. ’70 and
Connie Shattuck ’70 Lightbody
Gordon L. Lockett ’39†
Ronald D.† and Cheryl N. Lossett
Dorothy Lourdou ’53
Birke M. ’39† and
Dixie Hodges† Luckenbill
Wyeth B.† and Alice N. Lumpkin
David E. Lundin ’71
Beverly Lynn ’65
Martin G. ’65 and Kathie N. Lyons
Matt D. ’82 and Melanie Howe ’82 Lyons
Marian Leader Magor ’49
Margaret Oakey Mallicoat ’55†
Clara Yourman Marotto ’79
Caterina W. Martin†
Seldon H. ’34† and
Mildred Crowl ’34† Martin
Margene ’87 Mastin-Schepps and
David Schepps
Peter W. Mather ’65
Anna Claire Mauerhan ’41†
Caroline McAllister ’79
Arnold M. ’53 and
Rebekah Wright ’52 McCalmont
Thomas F. McClung ’69
Mary Holmes McCombs ’37
Bill and Dolores McDonald
Jewel B. McGinnis ’47†
James W. ’67 and Deborah McKeehan
Olive Parsons McWain ’33†
Sidney E. ’34† and
Mildred La Due ’36† Mead
Vida K. Melroy-Murray ’91
Louis† and Esther N.† Mertins
David W. Meyers ’64
F. Eugene Miller ’32†
Kenton R. ’45† and Jamie Brown ’48 Miller
Robert E. Miller ’53
Torrence B. ’52† and
Ruth Lucking ’52† Miller
Charlie† and Carole† Mitchell
Glenn C. Moeller ’56
Richard C. Montgomery ’47†
John V. and
Barbara Covington ’44† Moore
Anne M. Morlan ’81†
Patrick J. ’59 and
Sally Wieschendorff ’61 Morris
Cynthia Morton-Anner ’36†
Denny D. ’70, ’94 and
Sheila Rowe Moses ’70
Jesse D. Moses ’37†
Alice Mozley ’70
Brenda Mueller ’61†
Robert H. Mueller ’49†
Marilyn J. Mull ’59†
Paul C. Mullis ’69
Cynthia Hardy Munz ’74
Gregory W. Myers ’79
Harriet Kreyssler Nance ’33†
Robert A.† and
Mildred Peronia ’45† Naslund
J. Norman ’63 and Ann C. Naylor
Carl O. Nelson ’57†
Ernest A. Nelson ’60†
John D. ’29† and Mary N.† Nelson
Victor A. Neuman ’78
William J.† and
Eloise Benson ’43† Nicholl
Margaret C. Nicholson ’36†
Fred ’62 and
Donna Griffin ’62 Niedermeyer
William G.† and
Ena Preston ’41† Norris
Robert A.† and Peggy† Northon
Larry E. ’54 and Kristina Nugent
Don Nydam† and
Ruth Ann Williams Nydam
Michael F. ’66 and Mary O’Brien
Rosanne O’Brien ’78†
John C. ’38† and
Evelyn Chalgren ’37† Oliver
Richard D. ’66 and Gayle A. Olson
Kim Burtnett Orloff ’62†
Lawrence G.† and
Marie Farnsworth ’46 Osborne
Eugene G. ’57† and
Anne Morrison ’55† Ouellette
John P. ’62 and
Peggy Selover ’62 Overland
Yasuyuki and Judith A. Owada
C. Marcella Heller Owens ’43†
Velma M. Park ’33†
Sheryl G. Parker ’58†
Harold J. Pavelis ’63
Alma A. Pearson†
James D. Perry ’68
Ruth White Peters ’34†
John C. ’64 and Vicki L. Peterson
Steve ’71 and Gloria Petty
Hugh E. and Avis J. Pickett
Eric W. Pierpoint ’73
Robert C. ’47† and
Patricia Adams ’47 Pierpoint
William D. Piety ’69†
Virgil M.† and Virginia Beth† Pinkley
Betsy L. Platt ’66
Verne F. Potter Jr. ’50†
Herbert J. ’20† and Alice J.† Powell
Robert F. Powell ’51†
Stuart E. Power†
William H. ’35† and Ruth S.† Prescott
Melville J. ’39† and Barbara† Price
Nelson C. ’40† and
Barbara G. ’42† Price
Mary O. ’44† and Kipp A.† Pritzlaff
Pierre H. ’40†
and Evangeline V. ’40 Provost
Norma Gold Pucek ’66
Robert S. ’37†
and Virginia Demaree ’37† Putnam
Myrtle C. Quisenberry†
Joseph W. ’47†
and Maribelle Righter ’47 Rainville
Robert A. Ramsay ’58†
Kathryn Hansen Rawlinson ’61
Helen Hanges Reagan ’79†
Helen Doss Reed ’54†
Gwen Reid ’55
Robert N. ’72 and Ann A. Reiland
Thomas R. ’61† and Louise Richardson
Charles F. ’52† and
Shirley Collins ’52 Rieger
Stuart M. ’52 and Marilyn H. Ripley
Martha G. Robbins†
Katharine A. Roberts ’54†
Frederick A. and Linda J. ’62 Roesch
Jack† and Mary† Roesch
William N. Roethlisberger ’61
William E. ’40† and Jo† Roskam
J. Gerald ’29†
and Margaret Christensen ’30† Ross
Ray S. ’53 and Gail Ruth ’54 Roulette
Stanford H. Rowe ’64
John Ruark ’73 (JC)
George E. Rupp
Thomas P. Sargent Jr. ’70†
Faire Virgin Sax ’32†
Lorietta S. Scheerer ’29†
Marco C. Schindelmann ’02
Robert K. ’72 and
Vicki Betraun ’72 Schraner
R. Christan ’65 and Jo Ann Schriner
Laurence A. ’39† and Pauline E.† Scott
Robert B. ’49† and
Joann Leland ’51† Scott
Forrest Sears ’55
Patsy Hall Seeley ’40†
Miriam B. Serfass ’62†
Thomas W. ’31† and
Margaret V.† Sering
J. Charles ’63, ’65 and
Mei Ling Shackelton
Caleb Elroy ’36† and
Carol Calvin ’37† Shikles
Virginia Williamson Shilling ’45†
Courtney A. Shucker II ’68†
Clinton Eugene ’40† and
Dorothy Holmes ’41† Sill
Daniel L. and
Jean Montgomery ’59 Simonsen
Dave ’96, ’14 and
Gabrielle Gómez ’96, ’01 Singh
Richard L. ’61† and Nancy H. Sjoberg
Margaret Megredy Sloan ’55†
Arthur W. ’50† and
Gail Hollensteiner ’50† Smith
Benjamin E. Smith ’37†
Conway W. ’39† and
Marjorie Frisius ’42† Snyder
James and Diana ’82 Sommer
James M. Sommerville ’46†
Leslie P. Spelman†
Helen Hall Splivalo ’31†
J. Dennis ’56
and Sandy Robbins ’55† Staley
Homer E. ’29† and
Elizabeth W.† Stavely
Claude E. ’55† and
Anna-Mae Hoyt ’56 Stephenson
Roy B.† and Irene L. Stephenson
Shelli A. Stockton
Chris and Colleen† Strand
Rosanne W. Stratton ’81†
Elizabeth A. Strong ’64
Robert Lee Stuart
Warren I. ’68 and
Tara Ryan ’71 Swanson
Alton M. ’71 and Beryl Takabayashi
N. Anthony ’63 and
Sherryl Morrison ’64 Taylor
Harold W. ’39† and
Dorothy M. Thompson
Sylvia Akins Thompson†
Charles H. ’58 and
Barbara Campbell ’58† Thorman
David G. ’63 and Mary Alice Thornton
William ’53† and Iola T. ’55† Threatt
John M. ’64 and Karen Tincher
Minton† and
Sandra Cerato ’62 Tinsley
Leland H. ’63 and
Mary Ann S. ’63 Tipton
Collin ’67 and Linda† Tong
John H. ’54 and Carol J. Townsend
Ron ’64 and Sheila L. Troupe
Thomas C. ’63 and Diane Tustin
Dwight E. Twist ’37†
Josephine E. Tyler
Bruce A. ’41† and Rebecca† Valentine
Edith Cortner Valley ’35†
Lois Corr Vance ’56
Kurt Van Horn ’66
Elizabeth Milsaps Van Iersel ’79
Juliette Vincour Venitsky ’44†
Helen V. Vickroy ’38†
George A. Vorpagel ’61†
Mervyn R. ’40† and June S.† Voth
Wilbur N. ’52† and
Laura Walker ’36† Vroman
Jo Ann Wall ’92
Ray and Judi Watts
Wayne W. ’52 and
Margaret Huebner ’52 Welch
Anita R. West
W. Richard ’65 and Mary Beth West
Jason Doyle Whitlock ’04
Robert G. ’56† and
Marion Draper ’57 Wiens
James R. Wieschendorff Family
Chuck Wilke ’64
Richard O. Williams†
David G. Wilson ’65
David L. Wilson ’63
Lois Fair Wilson ’45†
Richard J. and Liz Wilson
Harold S. Wood ’42†
Laurence K. and Barbara C. Wormser
Kathryn M. Wuest ’41†
Randall L. ’66 and
Sharon Uzzel ’66 Young
Stephen A. ’61 and Lois M. Yung
Charles N. ’42† and
Dorothy Marti ’42† Ziilch
LeAnn Zunich ’76, ’08
† Deceased
(JC) Johnston Center for Integrative Studies