For the ninth consecutive year, Redlands has been named to the national President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for exemplary, innovative and effective community service programs. The University is one of 120 institutions named to the honor roll with distinction.
Redlands is also among just 157 institutions recognized with the Carnegie Community Engagement classification for the University’s partnership with the public in preparing educated, engaged citizens as well as its work in scholarship, societal issues and civic responsibility.
“The University of Redlands has made it a priority to engage students in off-campus experiences,” said Tony Mueller, director of Community Service Learning. “Both of these significant awards acknowledge that we are working in meaningful ways. Making service an integral part of the undergraduate experience is not just a sound bite, it’s built into the culture.”
Participants in Community Service Learning programs built two houses, served 10,000 meals, conducted 560 hours of job training and support, tutored and mentored 7,450 students (more than triple last year’s total), coached 300 children and maintained seven community gardens.
An estimated 25,000 people were served this year, a 35 percent increase over last year’s efforts.
“The recognition legitimizes our programs and work,” said Erin Sanborn, associate director of Community Service Learning. “But most importantly, it honors the work our students do on a daily basis. We have a very compassionate student body, and they don’t serve for the recognition. To credit their work with national recognition, though, is a wonderful thing.”