Class Notes reflect submissions received from Aug. 1 to Dec. 1, 2016.
The College
Marjorie Stentz Wies-Caswell Smith ’52 recently met another Redlands alumna in a Connecticut gift shop and they both chanted the “Och Tamale” cheer much to the surprise of fellow shoppers.
Bill Baker ’54 is no longer able to volunteer, but he is the very grateful recipient of the volunteer services of neighbors and friends from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Cambria. They help him maintain language and recall abilities.
Beverly Toot Ball ’54 volunteers at LifeSpark, a free resource for cancer patients. Her work involves biofield therapy to assist in promoting relaxation within the total person. “It is not a cure but definitely results in a healing of mind, body, spirit and soul in which the individual is at peace,” she says.
Jo Perhab Billard ’54 and husband, Bill Billard ’53, are involved with service through the La Habra Hills Presbyterian Church, and Bill serves on Biola University’s Board of Trustees. They recently moved from Whittier to Lake San Marcos.
Nancy Ford Blue ’54 volunteers at The Flower Fields in Carlsbad with a school program in April each year, telling children about growing flowers, farming on the ranch and the importance of protecting the environment. She has also worked with the annual ladies’ tennis tournament in Carlsbad.
Rich Bueermann ’54, member of the San Bernardino Kiwanis Club, serves as secretary of the committee that devotes 500 volunteer hours yearly to the Kiwanis Club Annual High School Invitational Boys Basketball Tournament, in which 16 teams from the Inland Empire play.
Janet Amend Carver ’54, currently first vice chair of the 11th Congressional District Democratic Committee writes: “In Virginia, we have elections EVERY year. Next year is governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and House of Delegates. Rather dreadfully important for the future, especially since the 2020 census is a prime factor in redistricting.”
Bob Clopine ’54 is currently a volunteer with the Bureau of Land Management at the Yaquina Head Visitor Center in Newport, Ore. He says: “I love meeting the people who visit and helping them plan their stay.”
Jim Crow ’54 volunteers with the Pacifica Library Foundation’s efforts to persuade the community of the need for a new, modern library. These efforts culminated in a bond measure on the Nov. 8 ballot, for which Jim did calling, emailing, precinct-walking and campaign committee meeting attendance.
Ron “Squeak” Davis ’54 collects used tennis balls and racquets from the members of his racquet club for the Boys and Girls Club in La Quinta.
Nancy Friend Dillon ’54 volunteers as a navigator at the Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix, is a U.S. Lighthouse Society member and a volunteer with Call for Action at the NBC affiliate in Phoenix. Nancy’s specialties are education problems, time-share issues, scams and housing construction issues.
Tako Shiraishi Dwyer ’54 arranges flowers for her church, reads to kindergartners, cooks lunch at The Cathedral soup kitchen and enjoys “visiting and doing little things here and there. It’s the acts of kindness and reaching out we do that is a part of us and who we are as UR alumni.”
Dale Edmondson ’54 and his wife, Alice, are actively involved in the Seafarers Ministry that serves foreign crews on ships that dock in Oakland, Calif.
Jean Burnight Fenton ’54 serves on the Altar Guild as chairperson of the flower committee for her Episcopal church.
Mary Pierson Graw ’54 volunteers at a food bank co-sponsored by her church and a local synagogue and is co-chair of the Scholarship Committee for her Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) chapter. She and husband, Herb, traveled in Tanzania for 12 days in October 2016.
Bill Hawk ’54 is a docent at Huntington Library, working with its estate tour program as well as with special programs, such as “Papers, Pens, and Prose,” introducing fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders to written communication and the work of scribes—complete with dip pens and ink wells.
Louis Head ’54 sings in the choir of the First Christian Church in Whittier, where he also plays “rare piano solos.” He adds, “I still play the piano very well at home without an audience.”
Mara Dee Miller Hodson ’54 spends her Monday mornings cataloging ephemera at the Heritage Room of the Smiley Library in Redlands. She remains active in service projects at her church.
Ruth Jordan Jackson ’54, a SPURS (Service, Patriotism, Unity, Responsibility and Sacrifice) National Honor Society member while at Redlands, writes: “Somehow habits (of service) continue to carry into later life.” She serves on committees in her condo complex’s Homeowners’ Association. She also provides programs with displays of artifacts regarding early Arizona and the Hopi and Navajo peoples for elementary school classes.
Maggie Heacock Kildee ’54 works with children too ill to attend school and adults recovering from health events at Studio Channel Islands Art Center in Camarillo. “The center allows them to create works that defy their diagnoses and provides a space for terminally ill children to make one last creative gift for their parents.”
Annette Lilly ’54 is president of the Affiliates’ Board of the Barbara Sinatra Center for Abused Children at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif. The center provides therapy on an outpatient basis and other support programs for children. “I am pleased and proud to be associated with this needed and worthwhile organization,” she says.
Mabel Shippam McFarland ’54 volunteers at her church, sending personal items, letters from local elementary school children and notes from members of the church to military personnel overseas. She works with the American Heart Association and also serves as an on-call aide for an elderly gentleman in her congregation.
Alton Robertson ’54 volunteers in the U of R Archives on Tuesday mornings. He has cataloged more than 5,000 negatives donated by Noel Quinn ’55 and Sig Snelson ’53, worked through boxes of basketball photos and newspaper clippings from the basement of Currier Gym and sorted through boxes of files from the U of R theatre department.
Gail Ruth Roulette ’54 writes: “I have felt it important to be involved in the community in some way since being a SPUR in 1951-52. My involvement is with the Torrance Sister City Association. Our city: Kashiwa, Japan. Our main project is the exchange of eight high school students for three weeks each summer.”
Don Ruh ’54 and Sandi Luchsinger Ruh ’57 continue their many years of work with the Mt. SAC Relays, an annual track and field festival, through the LA84 Foundation. Noting “we take great pride in having shared so much of our lives having fun helping others,” the couple “continues to pray that our efforts will have a positive influence on the lives of others.”
George Russell ’54 is a member of a three-man team at the Sun Lakes Community in Beaumont that has for the past 12 years put up and taken down the flags around holidays. He and Mary Rector Russell ’54 traveled to New England and then on to England to visit their son and his wife.
Eleanor Crow Rutherfurd ’54 is a member of a group of women at her church who meet regularly to knit caring comforters (like prayer shawls) to be given to people who are ill or facing a difficult challenge.
Marshall Thompson ’54 serves on the Senior Ministries Planning Team of the San Clemente Presbyterian Church and in a support ministry to the first Combat Engineers Battalion at Camp Pendleton, USMC. With his wife, Joyce Stillman ’55, he volunteers with a program serving the poor in Tijuana, Mexico. They spent a week on Maui and three weeks in Kauai in November 2016.
Joe Tilson ’54 is doing his volunteer service through the Redlands Optimist Club’s Friends of Youth program.
James Todd ’54 and his wife, Evy, just celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary.
MaryAnn Black Easley ’55 recently released two new books: Changed in the Night, a psychological fantasy, and Into the Light, Journaling for Optimal Change, a journal-writing handbook. She teaches memoir, journaling and fiction writing and is a boutique publisher, specializing in poetry and memoir.
Janet McLean Edwards ’55 and husband, Fred Edwards ’54, were honored recently for their 34 years of participation in Art for Heaven’s Sake, a juried art show featuring 65 artists, sponsored by the United Church of Christ in Redlands.
JeDon Emenhiser ’55 and his wife, Pat, recently attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Kaitlin Westerfield ’12.
Audrey Nichol Hauth ’55, a former marathon runner, is now an active Long Beach Marathon volunteer. A bench in Long Beach Harbor near the Aquarium of the Pacific was recently named for her in recognition of her work.
Muriel Geiger Larsen ’55 and husband, Gaylord, celebrated their 60th anniversary at their home on Balboa Island with members of their family.
Dr. Marion Sanchez ’55 reports he is currently the world record holder for the 50- and 100-meter sprint in his age division through the Senior Olympics. As a volunteer, he makes trips to Mexico and China to distribute wheelchairs to seniors in need.
Robert Strom ’55 is doing research on planetary science and climate change. He recently published a paper on technological life in our galaxy and is currently working on a paper on impact cratering.
Bob Wallace ’55 is serving as an interim pastor in Glendale. He and his wife, Peg, live in Claremont but found a renewed sense of the wilderness on a recent trip to Alaska.
Jerry Glenn ’56 and wife, Susan, took the trip of a lifetime: a 15-day river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest. In Budapest, an eight-mile nighttime run down the river showed them why it is called the City of Lights. They’ve purchased a condo in Long Beach to be close to their new granddaughter.
Robert Graham ’56 and Caryl Archibald Graham ’57
celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this summer with a Graham family reunion at their son’s home. They have a new sci-fi murder mystery out: Helen Once, Helen Twice, Helen Once Again.
Grace Goodman ’57 says, “I was given three dinner parties on different dates near my 80th birthday, each with a different set of friends—two in NYC and the last on vacation in Provence. Great memories!”
Arlene Wiltberger ’57 shares: “I celebrated my 80th birthday with 60 friends and family at a nearby restaurant in 2016.”
Julie Ulmer Mathews ’59 joined her family motoring to Portland, Ore., for a son’s wedding. They went through the Cascade Mountains, enjoyed the coast redwoods and the Golden Gate Bridge. Her short story, “Summer of No Flowers,” appears in an anthology called Hot Chocolate for Seniors.
The Hon. Patrick J. Morris ’59 was recognized for his years of service on the Metrolink Board at Union Station in Los Angeles in July with the dedication of a new tier 4 locomotive in his honor. The locomotive is compliant with Environmental Protection Agency emissions standards.
Tony Pejsa ’59 and Ann Cornwell Pejsa ’61 hosted a Redlands Roundup at their home in Santa Ynez. Attending were Ron Johnson ’59, Jim Smith ’59 and Judy Graves Smith ’60, Pat Morris ’59 and Sally Wieschendorff Morris ’61, Dave James ’61 and Kay Davidson James ’61, Wes Roth and Jeri Frantz Roth ’61, Roger Dermody ’60 and Joan Stabbert Dermody ’60.
Marilyn Kerr Solter ’59 traveled to Chicago in November with a group of “Women on the Go.” Other U of R grads on the trip were Cathy Moreland Schilling ’76 and Kay Kallander ’86, ’93.
Annette Veenstra Bain ’61, Gail Mungen Burnett ’61 and Judy May Sisk ’61, with their spouses, recently visited the Rosie the Riveter National Historic Park in Richmond, Calif., an informative and very inspiring site central to the World War II effort. Annette is finally retired from teaching GED at Mountain View/Los Altos for the last 28 years. This is her third attempt at retirement, and this time it will really happen. She and husband, Gary, will celebrate with a trip to Machu Picchu. Gail is a choral singer, director and pianist for various events, as well as a church organist. She is active in PEO and American Association of University Women (AAUW). She and husband, Bob, have traveled extensively with some of their favorite places being Mongolia, Morocco,
Madagascar, Tasmania, Greenland, South Africa, Siberia and the Bering Sea.
Lindsay Nielson ’61 is working at her solo real estate law practice in Ventura, Calif.
Bill Smith ’62 won his sixth National Pickleball Singles Gold Medal in November at the USA Pickleball Association National Championships in Casa Grande, Ariz. Playing in the 75- to 79-year division, he and his partner won a second consecutive gold medal in men’s doubles.
Ann Stewart West ’62 cruised along the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar, viewing the magnificent golden pagodas that line every road, lakeshore and river. Since 1963, Ann has visited 75 countries and 49 states.
Marie Duffey Whittington ’62 just completed a one-year commitment hearing criminal indictments and conducting civil investigations for the Orange County Grand Jury. The jury met and interviewed local political leaders and agency heads and conducted 12 investigations on subjects from the threat of drones to Orange County’s $3.3 billion yearly expenditures.
Judy Brodie Liddell ’63 needed to select a hand surgeon for a minor procedure. All three of the available doctors appeared competent. Then, she noticed that Don Lujan ’92 had done his undergraduate work at the U of R. At the appointment, they reminisced about Redlands. After graduating from Redlands, he got his medical degree at the University of New Mexico and then did his residency and a fellowship at University of Pittsburgh.
Harold Phillips ’63 and his wife, Marcia, operate a freshwater shrimp and catfish farm in Costa Rica. Six years ago, along with their son and daughter-in-law, they founded a K-12 school to prepare Costa Rican young people, as well as some expatriates, for the rigors of study in college.
Mary Baptie Plimton ’63 and her husband, Hal, celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary on July 5, 2016.
Tony Taylor ’63 and Dave Shikles ’63 were on the road again, this time with two U of R grads, Chuck Wilkie ’64 and John Hintz ’64, on a seven-day cycling trip through the Sierra de Gredos mountains in Spain, west of Madrid. The group traveled 45 to 60 miles a day and lived to tell about their visits to Salamanca, Avila and Segovia.
Chet Floyd ’64 surprised wife, Joan, in celebration of their 50 years of marriage in September with a train trip on the 1940s-era private observation car Montana from Los Angeles to Portland, Ore. They were met there by his brother, Kenneth Floyd ’67, and wife, Theresa, and then surprised by brothers,
Leland Floyd and Martin Floyd ’80, and their wives arriving from Pittsburgh and Redfield, S.D., respectively.
Jim Allen ’65 and his wife, Karen, had a lovely visit in Tucson last spring with Barbara and Jim Page ’65. Jim and Karen took a five-week camping trip across the U.S. to visit family and attend his final meeting as a trustee with Blood Systems Inc.
JoAnn Gardiner Baker ’65, Judy Gundlach Darling ’65, Ron Styn ’63 and Susie Shikles Styn ’65 were part of the U of R Cuba adventure in November. It was a trip of a lifetime for all who participated.
Sam Brown ’65 was appointed by former President Barack Obama to a three-year term on the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. He and Alison Teal are on the Hillary Clinton National Finance Committee and he continues to work as a member of the Board of Aspen Music Festival and School. They traveled throughout Europe during the year and settled in Key West, Fla., for the winter months.
Dave Caminiti ’65 has been elected president of the Redlands Community Hospital Auxiliary for a two-year term. He has volunteered for 12 years at the hospital. In addition to his leadership role, he is a patient ambassador, calling on patients to get opinions about their care and driving the shuttle in the parking lot.
Rita Loftus Cavin ’65, ’67 was interim president at Umpqua Community College (UCC) in Oregon when everything changed on Oct. 1, 2015, due to an active shooter on campus. She led UCC toward recovery and then tried to give back to all the colleges that came forward to help by speaking and consulting in California, Texas, Illinois, Ohio and Idaho. After speaking at the one-year anniversary of the tragedy, she re-retired. She and her husband, Brooks, recently took a long road trip through the Southeast to re-engage with friends and family.
Fred Emmert ’65 continues his active career in aerial photography. His latest book is Newport Center/Fashion Island: Fifty Year Aerial Photography Retrospective, the story of one of America’s iconic real estate developments.
Sherry Engberg ’65 and Bob Engberg ’65 met Gordon Glass ’65 and his wife, Dr. Martia Glass, at the Sierra Club Lodge in Yosemite last spring. “It was such fun to see Bob and his former U of R basketball teammate and history studies pal catch up on the last 50 years,” Sherry says. “Gordon and his wife have done remarkable things serving humanity, and their good work continues in New Mexico where they live.”
Jack Iverson ’65, ’92 and Suzy Wohlers Iverson ’68 toured Israel with 50 members of their church in mid-November. Billed as a spiritual journey, it was truly a trip of a lifetime! Highlights included Tel Aviv, Caesarea, the Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, the Golan Heights, kayaking on and being baptized in the Jordan River.
Gil Lynch ’65 and the entire 1965 baseball team were inducted into the U of R Intercollegiate Athletic Hall of Fame on Oct. 21, 2016. Nine of the team’s members were able to attend the ceremony and a good time of reminiscing was truly enjoyed.
Mike MacFarlane ’65 enjoyed sharing Thanksgiving with Weldon Diggs ’65, who was on business in Phoenix. Weldon currently lives in the Philippines.
Coralie Lampiasi Prince ’65 retired from full-time teaching but teaches after-school classes in musical theatre and kid’s choir, volunteers in her grandson’s class teaching music and is an ambassador with the Pacific Symphony Class Act program. She traveled to Germany, Austria and Italy last spring.
Bill Purves ’65 took an insightful trip to China, Korea and Japan that included the Maglev train that went 430 kilometers an hour. They enjoyed the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. “Japan was beautiful with its many shrines and gardens,” he says. “The Nagasaki and the Atomic Bomb Museum were quite moving.”
Alice Randall Wallace ’65 and her husband, Craig, took a 12-day trip to the Southeast and had a wonderful time visiting Nashville, Franklin, The Hermitage (Andrew Jackson’s getaway), Shiloh, Memphis (of course, Graceland), Vicksburg, southern plantations and Civil War battlefields, Natchez and New Orleans.
Peggy Rivers Constantine ’68 has published her memoir, The Reluctant Volunteer, about the time she and husband, Tim, spent in the Peace Corps in 1970 and ’71 in Cristalina, Brazil. Her book covers their many ups and downs, what they did as volunteers in the schools and the deep friendships they formed.
Gregg A. Sentenn M.D. ’68 retired from the practice of psychiatry in Brea, Calif. He and his wife, Lynn Shaw Sentenn ’69, are happy to announce the engagement of their son, David, to Jill Hanhong ’05. Gregg and Lynn are looking forward to spending more time at their condo on Kauai and visiting their two granddaughters in Healdsburg, Calif.
Will Tatro ’68 reports he has been retired for three years after 25-plus years in retail and 15 years in school food service.
Brenda Williams ’68 worked with her nonprofit Trauma Resource Institute in China after the 2008 and 2010 earthquakes and with survivors of the shooting in San Bernardino. She spent time in South Africa training health-care workers and therapists in her institute’s model.
Tuvya Zaretsky ’68 recently published his workbook, He Said then She Said: Helping Jewish-Gentile Couples Find Spiritual Harmony. He continues to enjoy his ministry, providing resources at He and wife, Ellen, are looking forward to the birth of their first grandchild.
Richard H. Adams Jr. ’72 recently published his book, An American in Rural Egypt, based on his
experiences living in the world of Egyptian fellahin in 1978. The book describes the trials and triumphs of winning the trust of people by overcoming cultural and religious divides in Egypt.
Tom Williams ’72 wrote the script, music and lyrics for the musical play Elijah at LifeHouse Theater in Redlands, which was performed 18 times over four weeks to an average attendance of 125 with two sell-outs. The musical is based on the biblical account of the prophet Elijah in 1st and 2nd Kings.
Christy Wilson Fisher ’73 shares that her husband, George, retired from State Farm after 25 years, and she and their daughters, Jennifer Fisher Finnegan ’99 and Beth Fisher ’02, planned a party in Newport Beach, where Christy and George now live. They’ll continue celebrating in Spain with Tom Beauchamp ’74, Nandy Shanahan Beauchamp ’74, Jim Perry ’73 and Dee St. John Perry ’73.
Cristy Sanborn Maxey ’73, ’75 joined 17 other Deltas for a 64th birthday party and reunion in Cambria, Calif., in September 2016. “It was a wonderful time reliving dorm life at the Pickford House!” she says. “We also enjoyed wine tasting and being together and reminiscing about our great sorority days at the U of R!”
Kathee Hannigan Bautista ’75 is currently serving as assistant professor of teacher education at Azusa Pacific University. She lives in Monrovia.
Merry Long L’Esperance ’75 retired as a speech pathologist for Oceanside Unified School District in 2015. She visited Margaret Ann Blohm McClure ’75 in Everett, Wash., before cruising to Alaska with her husband.
Maureen McElligott ’75 earned a master’s degree in conscious studies from Holmes Institute and was licensed as a minister in July 2016. She is interning as a chaplain at Loma Linda University Medical Center and serving at Hemet Center for Spiritual Living.
Brad Katzman ’77 and Margaret Katzman ’77 live in Claremont, Calif. Brad recently opened his third podiatry office in the Inland Empire. His podiatric physicians are located in Fontana, Ontario and Chino Hills. They have three daughters who live locally, the oldest of which is an alumna, too: Kate Katzman ’08.
Leslie Little ’78 and husband, Nick, joined other Redlands alumni on the U of R-sponsored trip to Cuba last November. Leslie is currently assistant city manager of community development and housing in Morgan Hill, Calif. Nick’s businesses are in Florida. “We love traveling and are thrilled that this year’s trip to Cuba proved to be such a rich, educational experience.”
Mike Rothmiller ’78 has a new work of nonfiction out, Secrets, Lies and Deception—and Other Amazing Pieces of History, which exposes many startling secrets spanning centuries and covers a broad spectrum of individuals and events, from Gen. George Washington to lost nuclear weapons.
Timothy Dean Leffler ’80 has a new book out, Mabel Normand: The Life and Career of a Hollywood Madcap, about a notable American silent-film star, who
appeared in a string of popular movies opposite the likes of Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle. This book highlights Normand’s substantial yet long overlooked contributions to film history and popular culture.
Mary Ellen Azada ’81 is working at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena as the executive director of call discernment. She works with graduate students in the area of academic advising and apprenticeships. Mary Ellen is an ordained Presbyterian pastor and most recently served as the associate pastor of missional engagement at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley for 10 years.
Doug DeWitt ’81, ’86 works with a group of local entrepreneurs as a volunteer for various community service projects, including serving evening meals at a local homeless shelter café.
Susan Manning Estes ’81 continues to make news after becoming the first woman to have served on the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee in the United States. She founded OpenDoor Trading LLC, the first bond platform majority-controlled and owned by women.
Carrie Krueger ’81 and Barbara Heydorn ’81 spent a week hiking in Banff and several other Canadian National Parks. Their road trip was reminiscent of their 1981 post-graduation drive across the country, only with more hiking and better accommodations. Carrie lives in Seattle, and Barb lives in Woodside, Calif.
Patricia Slavin ’81 was promoted to director of administration after eight years with the Joint Powers Insurance arm of the State’s water agency association. She will oversee the group that provides professional development and training services to the agency’s 300-plus member districts, serve as the lead HR resource, and manage office operations and HR matters for in-house staff.
Jean Delaria Stevens ’81 is loving life in London since moving there in 1996. She is in her 11th year as CEO of RSM International, which has audit, tax and consulting firms in 120 countries. Her work takes her around the world.
Eric Edmondson ’86 received the Federal Trade Commission’s Louis D. Brandeis Award in September 2016 for sustained excellence litigating antitrust and consumer protection cases as an attorney for the commission.
Greg Horn ’87 has written a new book on health and life. Living Well: Six Pillars for Living Your Best Life incorporates all the elements of good health into one whole life plan by using six pillars: thinking well, eating well, moving well, sleeping well, hosting well and staying well.
Arley Baker ’89 is the director of communications at the Port of Los Angeles and completed his first-ever “Fleet Week” at the port in the summer of 2016, which concluded with rave reviews.
Sophia Kiheri Campbell ’93 finished her master’s in library and information science at the University of St. Catherine. To top it off, she got married! Sophia and her husband, Duncan MacGregor Campbell, tied the knot on Oct. 8, 2016, in Minnesota. Among those in attendance was her Merriam Hall roommate, Dr. Kristin Brown Swenson ’93.
Alex Endo ’93 has been working in education for 20 years and is currently the principal of St. James Catholic School in San Francisco. He is the proud dad of two wonderful, energetic girls.
Andrew Flood Mara ’93 and his spouse, Miriam, are at Arizona State University. He is a professor of interdisciplinary humanities and communication, and Miriam is teaching Irish literature. He recently spent time with Miriam in Kenya while she conducted research for her Fulbright scholarship.
Joseph Richardson ’93 is a practicing litigation attorney in Redlands, an adjunct professor at University of La Verne College of Law, and speaker and media contributor on legal issues. Joi Robinson-Richardson ’93, ’96 is celebrating 20 years as a speech-language pathologist in local school districts and now focuses on serving secondary schools. Negotiations continue on getting their 15-year-old daughter, Julia, to go to Redlands.
Carol Brooks ’94 recently published her book, Uncharted Territory: Being Brave Enough to Explore Attitudes, Habits and Fears to Journey Toward a Balanced Life. Learn more about Carol and her work at
Leslie Ferguson ’95 and her husband just bought a house in Escondido. She is writing books and an excerpt of her memoir, Schizophrenia’s Daughter, was published in San Diego Writer, Ink’s A Year in Ink Anthology, Vol. 9.
David “Jamey” Heiss ’95 was reinstated as president of the San Gorgonio Pass Historical Society; he is joined on the board by U of R alumna Karen Knudson ’92, ’94. He also serves as the president of Redlands Round Table.
Lori Anasagasti Simanek ’96 recently became the vice principal of Muscoy Elementary School in the San Bernardino City Unified School District.
Marinelle Gallardo Reynolds ’99 is married to an active duty airman, Jason Reynolds, and lives in San Antonio, Texas, with their two children, Gavyn,11 and Mikaila, 10. Marinelle is a clinical supervisor for the Employee Assistance Program at United Health Care. She is also a licensed therapist and coach working with individuals to empower and enhance their beauty from the inside out.
Tara Szabo Maxson ’02 and husband, Steve, spent two weeks in South America traveling through Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil in July and August 2016. Their trip culminated in attending the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Larissa Patterson ’02 has accepted a job as an assistant professor in the biology department at Rhode Island College in Providence.
Craig Perez ’02 received an American Book Award and a Lannan Literary Fellowship for poetry.
Riste Simnjanovski ’02 has been promoted to dean of faculty development at California Baptist University. His paper, “Trashing Your Textbook: A Study Examining Alternative Materials and the Impact on Grades and Evaluations,” was accepted by the American Educational Research Association. He and Lauren Gutenberg, DDS, MSD, moved to Redlands in August 2016.
Kimberly VanWig ’02 recently moved to Tulalip, Wash. For Thanksgiving, she spent her time in Puerto Vallarta.
John-Paul Wolf ’02 co-wrote an article published in the Community College Review entitled “Polymorphic Students: New Descriptions and Conceptions of Community College Students From the Perspectives of Administrators and Faculty.”
Andrew McKee ’05 records and tours nationally with the female-fronted pop-reggae group Hirie. Their recently released album, Wandering Soul, debuted at No. 1 on the reggae charts for Billboard, iTunes and Amazon.
Samantha Coe Byron ’10 and Johnathan Byron ’13 were married on Nov. 7, 2015, in Temecula, Calif. Both are legacies of the University (Frank Coe ’99, ’00, Allen Byron ’82, Maura Byron Harris ’84). Participants in the wedding included Sarah Asai ’10, Alex Carrillo ’13, Marcus Evans ’14, Patrick Lane ’13 and Megan Mikulich ’14.
Caitlin McBride ’10 was promoted to producer at Omelet in Culver City, Calif.
Michele Ogawa ’10 has been promoted to management analyst in economic development for the city of Perris, Calif.
Kara Van Stralen ’10 and Chris Simeone married in Leesburg, Virginia, on Aug. 6, 2016, with UR Chaplain John Walsh officiating at the ceremony and Redlands alumni, Rick Daily ’11, Katie Walsh ’13 and Molly Wiltshire ’12 participating as part of the wedding party.
Schools of Business and Education and Whitehead programs
Jan Herbert Doyle ’74 is serving as a Peace Corps volunteer with her husband in Western Samoa.
Jerry Berning ’81 writes and produces comedic plays for dinner theatre at Mission Lakes in Desert Hot Springs.
Suzan Casey ’87, ’91 started a nonprofit organization that makes Christmas stockings for children in foster care. What started out as a small project for 60 young girls in a shelter for the abandoned, abused and neglected, has now grown to 300 boys and girls in four counties in Texas. Grandma’s Stocking Guild is now in its eighth year.
Tracy Garmer ’96, a U of R business professor, was nominated by her peers for San Diego Magazine’s Woman of the Year award for her work as a health-care advocate for San Diego’s most vulnerable populations. Additionally, she contributes her time as a volunteer for nonprofits, including the Community Resource Center, which focuses on domestic violence prevention, and the San Diego Employers Association, which offers human resources consulting services to local businesses.
Whitney Waters ’10 recently became engaged.
Kaitlin Westerfield ’82 married Daniel Gorman, Oct. 1, 2016, in Long Beach, Calif.
Sophia Kiheri Campbell ’93 married Duncan MacGregor Campbell on Oct. 8, 2016, in Minnesota.
Mariel David ’96 married John DeVito on Nov. 14, 2016.
Nicholas Ferrero ’09 and Courtney Church Ferrero ’10 were married on June 11, 2016.
Samantha Coe ’10 and Johnathan Byron ’13 were married Nov. 7, 2015, in Temecula, Calif.
Julian Rice ’10 married Diana Maria in February 2016 in Coronado, Calif.
Kara Van Stralen ’10 married Chris Simeone in August 2016 in Leesburg, Va.
Rachel Haag ’12 and Edward Belk ’13 were married in August 2016 in Denver, Colo.
Adriana Lopez ’13 married Ivan Gonzalez in summer 2016 in Ontario, Calif.
Baby Bulldogs
Catherine Choate Mahmoudi ’96 and Naysan Mahmoudi ’96 welcomed a son, Camden, on Oct. 11, 2016.
Linnzi Kennedy Melkerson ’02 and Matt Melkerson welcomed a son, Beckett Andrew.
John Opp ’02 and Christine Opp welcomed a son, Donovan Nolan, on Feb. 9, 2016.
Donny Westfall ’09 and Bevin Westfall welcomed a daughter, Scout Willow Westfall, on Oct. 14, 2016.